You’ve made it successfully through the job interview and you’ve received an offer.

There are a number of tasks you will need to complete before you can begin your new role, and while it may feel tempting to sit back and relax now that the hard part is over, it’s best to get these done sooner rather than later.

Before you celebrate, consider the following.

Have you formally accepted the job offer?

Obviously, the first thing you’ll need to do is accept the job offer. It’s normal to receive an informal offer over the phone or via email, but until you’ve signed the job contract, this informal offer isn’t actually contractually binding.

Be sure to follow up on the contract when you receive the job offer. While you wait for it, it’s a good opportunity to follow up on any questions you had during the interview process that you didn’t have the chance to ask, and to confirm the important details: remuneration, working hours, and your start date are some key points to clarify before you sign anything.

Have you wrapped up your current job and any outstanding applications?

Once you’ve signed the contract, delivered it to your contact, and received confirmation, it’s time to resign from your current role.

Remember to do so graciously and professionally. You don’t want to burn any bridges. Give as much time as you can to wrap up any ongoing projects that you’ve been working on, and hand over your work to your colleagues as smooth as possible. Try to leave on a high note; don’t rest on your laurels just because you know you’ll be leaving soon.

Don’t forget that you’ll also need to withdraw your application from any job advertisements you submitted. If you’ve merely sent your CV, there’s no need to act unless you receive an interview request. In this case, politely decline.

Do you need to complete any administrative tasks with HR?

Many people won’t be required to complete these tasks until their first day on the job, but it’s not uncommon to be asked to come in prior in order to work on paperwork for HR. This could include your onboarding, paperwork that was not a part of your original contract, or additional training.

Have you thanked your supporters?

Don’t forget to thank the people that got you to this position. It may be very traditional, but a short note to those directly involved - your recruiter, or your referees, for example - is a wonderful way to show appreciation and gratitude. It’s also a good way to cultivate your network and continue to build upon the relationships you’ve made in your current role.

With everyone else, set up meetings, both formal and informal, where appropriate. Where difficult to do so, a quick phone call and email to give them the news and thank them is okay too.

Do you need to review your career plan?

How has this job impacted your long-term career plans? Has it sped up your progress to the top? Was it a step sideways, or even backwards? We should always be reviewing our plans for our career to ensure we’re making progress, so consider how this move has impacted it, and what your next move should be.

Make the most of these next few weeks. While it’s likely to be a busy period, it’s also an exciting time in your career. Make time to thank your supporters, complete any early requests from your new boss, and wrap up your tasks at your current job, and don’t forget to celebrate and acknowledge your own hard work that got you here.

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